曲詞:Michael Masser Gerry Goffin
Tempo : 66
|4 3m 2m 1|b6 - - -|5 - - -|
|1 - 5 - |6m - 5 - |
(A)if i had to live my life without you near me the days would all
(B)if the road ahead is not so easy our love will lead
|4 - 1 - |2m7 - 5 - |
(A)be empty the nights would seem so long
(B)the way for us just like a guiding star
|1 - 5/7 - |6m - 5 - |
(A)with you i see forever oh so clearly i might have been in
(B)i’ll be there for you if you should need me you don’t have to
|4maj7 - 3m7 - |2m7 - 5 - |
(A)love before but it never felt this strong
(B)change a thing i love you just the way you are
|4maj7 - 3m7 - |37 - 6m - |
(A)our dreams are young and we both know they’ll take us where we want to go
(B)so come with me and share the view i’ll help you see forever too
|2m7 - 3m7 - |4 - 5 - | 5 - |
(A)hold me now touch me now I don’t want to live without you
|1 - 4 - |5 - 3m7 - |
(C) nothing’s gonna change my love for you you ought to know by now how much i love you
|6m7 - 2/#4 - |2m7 - 5 - |
one thing you can be sure of i’ll never ask for more than your love
|1 - 4 - |5 - 37 37/b6 |
nothing’s gonna change my love for you you ought to know by know how much i love you
|6m7 - 2/#4 - |2m7 - 5 - |
the world may change my whole life thru but nothing's gonna change my love for you
(Inter)|1 - - - |4 - 5 - |
演唱會版本 :