

【時間軸 Time Line】莫名奇妙 展演

策展團隊|莫名奇妙藝術團隊 / 卓立航 彭鈺筑 曾以勒
展覽期間|2024/12/28(六)- 12/29(日)11:00-18:00
展覽地點|寶藏巖國際藝術村 / 十字藝廊(台北市中正區汀州路三段230巷14弄2號)

♦ 開幕茶會|2024/12/28(六)15:00 – 17:00
♦ 藝術家音像表演| 2024/12/28(六)- 12/29(日)15:00 – 17:00
莫名奇妙藝術團隊 展出經歷
2022年,互動藝術裝置《光溯迴廊》光‧舞弄‧影—2022 臺灣國際光影藝術節,國立台灣美術館

【Time Line】 Beyond Amazing Exhibition
Curatorial Team|Beyond Amazing Art Team / Li-Hang Cho, Yu-Chu Peng, Yi-Reh Tzeng
Exhibition Period|December 28 (Sat) - December 29 (Sun), 2024, 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Venue|Treasure Hill Artist Village / Cross Gallery (No. 2, Lane 14, Alley 230, Section 3, Tingzhou Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City)

Special Events:
♦ Opening Reception|December 28 (Sat), 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
♦ Audio-Visual Performances| December 28 (Sat) – December 29 (Sun), 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Exhibition Concept
"Time Line" takes time as its central theme, exploring its profound significance to life through the lens of new media art. Visitors will embark on a transformative journey, rich in sensory and intellectual experiences, leading to a renewed understanding of their existence and the essence of time.

The exhibition features two audio-visual performances (Rebirth and Eternity’s Gate) and one AI interactive installation (Time of Farewell), each interpreting the subject of time to examine diverse life themes.

Beyond Amazing Art Team - Previous Exhibitions
2019 Requiem for Film Camera, Interaction Art, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
2020 Sound Art, Taipei Art District Festival – 2020, Sound Mix Vision: Art Bus and Oasis Project
2022 Requiem for Film Camera, Interaction Art, Light Up Taichung – 2022, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts


    創作者 Hans Cho 的頭像
    Hans Cho

    HANS CHO aka 漢斯嗨起來

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